Last week I had my wisdom teeth taken out. It was, to my surprise, no big deal. You see, I had never had any sort of "surgery" before. I know, having your wisdom teeth taken out barely counts as surgery. I was rather nervous. The problem is the internet. All this knowledge and resources right at your finger tips. That's great, until I have to get my wisdom teeth out. I start reading all these terrible things that happen when you get your wisdom teeth out hence the nerves. And on top of being nervous about what kind of state my mouth would be in afterward, I knew I was going to be one of those people that said really weird and mean things because of the anesthesia. I had never been under anesthesia either. I was going to be the one to cuss out a nurse, throw a punch, say something mean to my mom or Jason, act like a total idiot. Also, you're not suppose to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day before your surgery. Well, normally that wouldn't really be a problem for me except for the fact that I had this ridiculous cough. The kind where you just pray that your bag of cough drops is bottomless. The kind that keeps you up at night. It was lovely, really. So, between 10 pm and midnight I probably drank 2 gallons of water and ate 15 cough drops hoping that would last until 10 am then next morning. So midnight comes and I'm still coughing. So, I took maybe 3 or 4 sips of water throughout the night and ate 2 cough drops. I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal, I had eaten dinner with a nurse friend that night and she told me I could drink a little water and it wouldn't matter. The cough drops dissolve, it's like water, I figured I was good. And then I woke up and started thinking that it was a huge mistake. So, when it was time to go to the doctor's office I just knew I was doomed.
I thought Jason couldn't take me, so I had asked my mom to. She was going to pick me up at 9:45 to head to the doctors. At about 9:30, there's a knock at the door and it's my sister. Apparently, she's coming too. Fine with me, her and my mom can keep each other company. So, then it's about time to go and I realize Jason is up and ready to go. Apparently he's going to. My mom arrives and the 4 of us roll to the doctors office so I can get 2 teeth removed from my mouth. Yup, still just my wisdom teeth. I am not having a major operation, but my family is tight. We do everything together including getting my wisdom teeth out. I really thought my dad might be in the waiting room when I came out. He wasn't, but I won't hold that against him. I wait thirty minutes and they finally come get me. What's the first question the lady asks me? "Did you eat or drink anything after midnight?" Now, this is what I should have said: "No". What did I say? "I had a cough drop." I think, "surely it's no big deal." So she says, "what time?" What? Really? You need to know what time? I don't remember what time I had a cough drop. I think I said 2. She didn't say anything else. She wasn't too friendly. I get into the room, sit in the chair, and the last thing I remember is the doctor asking, "Who came with you today?" This is when I have to tell him that my husband, my mom, and sister came with me. He laughs. I feel like a child. It's cool though. I can take it. Then he takes my teeth out. I don't remember that part. The next thing I remember is laying down on a bed in a little room. I can hear my mom and Jason' voice, but I was pretty out of it. I didn't say anything mean or throw any punches. I didn't say or do anything at all. My mom said I was pretty boring. They had teased me about you tube videos. Jokes on them. We got home, I slept a few hours, and then I was up. Thus began the 72 hours of sleeping/movie watching/tv watching/reading The Hunger Games series/being waited on hand and foot. It. Was. Awesome. Props to Jason, mom, and Maggie for being awesome and taking good care of me. My mom made me Ramen, jello, and mashed potatoes, my sister brought me Jamba Juices, they all took turns bringing me my head wrap ice pack thingy. It was kind of like a mini vacation, except that my face was swollen and I didn't take a shower for a couple days, and I never left my house. All in all my first experience with anesthesia and surgery was a good one. I'm not saying I want to do it again anytime soon, but I'm hoping I won't be as freaked out next time. Hoping, I think I'll probably be just as freaked out.
oh my goodness. i love your blog. you are FUNNY.